16-18 January 2023
NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal
16-18 January 2023
NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal

Abstract Submission

Instructions for submission of abstracts

Please note that for each registration only one abstract is considered.

Abstract Guidelines and template

A one A4 page abstract, prepared according to the guidelines, should be submitted online. Please select your topic:

  • Carbohydrate synthesis, structure and molecular recognition

  • Glycobiology in health and disease

  • Glycomics, glycoproteomics and novel biomarkers 

  • Carbohydrates in infection and microbial-host interactions

  • Carbohydrates in food and agriculture

  • Carbohydrates in biotechnology and other  applications

  • Carbohydrate-based biomaterials 

Contributions on the above-mentioned topics are welcome.

Abstract submission deadline for oral and flash communications: 15 December 2022

Decision notification for oral and flash presentation: 3 January 2023

Late breaking abstracts (poster only): 6 January 2023

Oral communications, selected by the Scientific Advisory Board, 10+5 minutes
Flash presentations, selected by the Scientific Advisory Board, 5 minutes to present highlights of the poster

Poster communication: Poster size 80 cm (wide) x 120 cm (height). Poster should be hold on the first day of the meeting and only removed after the last poster session.